Fast. Flexible. Embeddable.

Solve a wide range of optimization problems

FORCESPRO handles the most relevant  optimization problems that are needed for embedded optimization:


FORCESPRO can solve optimization problems that arise in: 

  • Linear MPC
  • Nonlinear MPC
  • Hybrid MPC
  • Economic MPC
  • Motion Planning Problems
  • Autonomous Decision Making


FORCESPRO is optimized for the requirements and the structure of optimization problems resulting in Model Predictive Control and embedded optimization. The target-oriented implementation makes it the fastest solver available and results in a very compact solver in terms of code size. Additionally,  it is very robust so that you can use it for autonomous operation of a machine. In fact, FORCESPRO is the industry standard for Model Predictive Control. The code does not use any external libraries and static memory allocation is used. At the same time high coding standards are complied with, such as MISRA C.

Typical calculation times of FORCESPRO in various applications:



Optimization Algorithms

  • Interior-Point Solver (IP)
  • Sequential Quadratic Programing (SQP)

Our IP method allows to solve the NLP until convergence with a low number of iterations. Additionally, the number of iterations stays steady which is important for embedded control, where the maximum computation time is critical. The SQP method is specifically designed for nonlinear model predictive control reference tracking problems that require fast feedback rates. The SQP algorithm solves a Quadratic Programming approximation in each sample step in order to achieve real-time implementation even for small available computation time or computational power. As both algorithms are provided, you can chose the method which is suited best for your application.

Cost-effective licensing

The FORCESPRO solver is available in three variants, that contain different solution algorithms. Find out more in LICENSING.


Derivative Generation

  • Mathworks Symbolic Toolbox
  • User-made functions


Hessian Information

  • Blockwise BFGS
  • Gauss-Newton

Supported Hardware


FORCESPRO can be employed on a big variety of hardware plattforms. Not only are these platforms supported, but actually the auto-generated solver is specifically optimized for these platforms. This way the full potential of your hardware is exploited, for instance by taking into account parallelization of the algorithm. You can run the FORCESPRO solver on the following list of processors/ hardware platforms. Other processors /hardware platforms are possible as well – contact us for more information.


  • x86 (Windows, Mac, Linux)
  • ARM-Cortex
  • PowerPC (GCC toolchain)
  • Speedgoat real-time platform
  • dSPACE MicroAutoBox II and III
  • dSPACE Autobox


The FORCESPRO software comes along with an easy-to-use interface. You can formulate your optimization problem and generate the solver with following interfaces:


After generation of the solver, it can be executed in a variety of environments, such as:


Looking for more information?


If you'd like to find out more about our Logistics Solutions, let us know. Either use the webform on the right or book a meeting via the link below. Our team of experts will be happy to discuss more details with you.